Let’s finish the work of building a Charlottesville that works for all of us

A Record of Progressive Success

Since being elected to City Council in 2019, I’m proud of the many progressive policy achievements we’ve made, including:

  • Investing over $10 million annually in affordable housing and adopting an Affordable Housing Plan

  • Fighting displacement by expanding our real estate tax and rent relief programs

  • Adopting the City’s first Climate Action Plan, which lays out the path to carbon neutrality by 2050

  • Passing a strong collective bargaining ordinance to allow bus drivers, Parks & Rec employees, and other city workers to unionize

  • Enacting Virginia’s strongest Police Civilian Oversight Board, with subpoena and investigatory power

  • Fully funding the modernization and renovation of Buford Middle School, along with other critical investments in our public schools

  • Millions of dollars in new investments to expand public transportation and build more pedestrian + bike trails throughout Charlottesville

A Vision for the Future

Despite the significant progress we’ve made over the past three years, we know there’s a lot of unfinished work in the City.

We need to build on the bold action we’ve taken on affordable housing, climate change, public schools, and economic inequality. If re-elected, some of my top priorities for a second term include:

  • Fully investing in resident-led redevelopment of Westhaven

  • Expanding our affordable housing commitment beyond $10 million a year in order to match existing housing needs

  • Fighting gentrification and displacement by investing in home rehab + expanding rent and real estate tax relief programs

  • Creating a land bank so the City can acquire land for affordable home ownership and affordable rental opportunities

  • Decarbonizing our natural gas utility and electrifying our municipal vehicles

  • Establishing a Green Bank to finance green retrofitting of homes

  • Expanding tree canopy and natural green spaces in the City

  • Investing in youth programs and opportunities in every neighborhood

  • Creating a Regional Transit Authority to massively expand bus route frequencies and destinations

  • Establishing a local plan for community wealth building

  • Investing in all of our public school buildings and increasing salaries + benefits for teachers

There’s a lot to get done. But we’ve already begun to make progress on these important issues. Together, we can finish the work and make Charlottesville a better city for all of us.

Get in touch!

Have a question about an issue in the City? Want to volunteer for the campaign? Or learn more about my background and record? We’re happy to answer your questions and help in any way that we can! Reach out here or contact us at
